Saturday, April 18, 2009

Earth Day party

Today we had Blythe's little best friend Ashley over all day. Nowadays I guess "Ashley" has become too long for Blythe to say so it's now shortened to just "Ash". Except Blythe's not all that good with the "sh" sound, so instead it comes out as "Ass". So it's like this:

"Hey, Ass, wanna see my baby?" "Ass, let's play in the sandbox" "Hey Ass...Ass....Ass...wanna play barbies?" I kind of cringe every time, but it's well-intended, so whatever.

Anyway, we went to gymnastics first thing this morning. Getting 3 kids to gymnastics is certainly harder than 2, but at least the weather was nice so we didn't have to run. Plus Braden was able to take Ethan in the backpack and coach practice with him while I took the girls to class.

After a short stint at home after gymnastics, we went to a "flyball" tournament for dogs to check out the action. We thought it would be outside, but instead it was inside so we couldn't enjoy the nice weather and it was really loud in there. It was interesting to watch though. It's like dog relays and some of those dogs are very fast! Here's Blythe cheering them on, though instead of saying "Go dogs! Go!" she says "Cheer Dogs! Cheer!"

After some more playing at home and some nice naps (thank goodness!), we headed out to a neighborhood "Earth Day" party. Earth Day is actually next week on Wednesday. "Earth Day" party sounds a lot like "birthday party", so even though I tried to explain to the girls where we were going, they were quite confused. Regardless, they were happy just to be wearing similar outfits, so they could look like "twins".

Basically it was a neighborhood gathering near the creek behind our house to learn about recycling, pick up trash, clean up the creek, and have a potluck dinner (oh, and play in the dirt, roll in the grass, and generally just get really dirty). Initially my priss daughter and her equally priss friend wanted no part in touching trash or getting dirty, but eventually I convinced them to pick up some trash.

Don't they look thrilled about it?

Blythe actually did give me a cute pose, which is rare:

And, though I didn't get any photos, Ethan was there too. He rode in the backpack for a while and then got down to beg for brownies, cookies, or anything else he could get his hands on.


lynette said...

Aww, cutest trash picker upper I've ever seen... way cuter than those inmates we typically pass on the interstate. So does she pull weeds too? If so, please send her to over ;)

Mary Holloway said...

She does do weeds...if they look like yellow flowers. Otherwise known as dandelions. If you're lucky, you'll end up with them in your car, in your laundry, in the toys...all over the place!