Monday, April 6, 2009

Ethan home sick...again

So I'm on vacation this week from Wednesday through Friday, which means I have a week's worth of work to do in 2 days. Oh, and also I have to do the laundry so we can pack for our trip to Texas, attempt to somewhat clean the house (because I HATE coming home to a messy house after a trip), find dog sitters, take Blythe to swim lessons, get my mom a birthday present (she'll be 60 on Saturday...can you believe it? Just kidding, she'll only be 57), put together some Easter baskets for the kids (so we can be "shocked" that the Easter bunny visited our house while we fly home on Easter), and find a doctor who can remove Blythe's staple from her head (more on that later).

A lot to do in 2 days (especially the paid work part). Good thing the kids have day care.

Whoa! Nothing like a little monkey wrench in the Ethan home sick today. Ugh! A fever yesterday, diarrhea today, and the poor guy has the worst runny nose and just looks pathetic. I've been using Purel like a madwoman because I SO don't want to get sick on my vacation. Cousin Amy - I give big apologies if we end up being virus carrying houst guests coming to invade. Dear God I hope not.

So I call our family doctor this morning and talk to the receptionist and tell her about Blythe's injury and ask about getting the staple out. There are 2 doctors at the practice, but technically we are patients of one of them. I already know what the hospital said about needing to get it taken out in 5-7 days, but to check with our family doctor about an exact date. Problem is, the time frame falls during our visit to Texas. Anyway, I start to explain about us being out of town and she cuts me off saying Dr. Freeman is only in today this week. So I say, well today's probably too early since it's only been 3 days, blah, blah. She puts me on hold to ask the doctor and comes back and says, "It needs to be 5 days". So I start back in to my story about going out of town, can it wait until we get back..." She cuts me off again...."5 DAYS!". Jeesh. Bitch. Fine...I'll find a doctor in Texas then. Well that turned out not to be too easy. To see a regular doctor, I'd have to pay a new patient fee. Or I could go to an urgent care place, but that's a pain because you have to wait a while (last thing I want to do on a day off). So I decide later in the day to call my doctor back and see if maybe the other doctor there will at least take a look at Blythe's head and see if they can take it out tomorrow (even though it's only 4 days). If not, I'll go to the urgent care place. I know right? What a concept! Fortunately I got a nicer receptionist. Unfortunately, the only available time was 1:20pm, which is during nap at daycare, which means I'll have to pick her up after lunch and she'll be home a while and either she'll then come home and nap or there will be no nap at all. I'm leaning towards the latter since we have to leave our house at 4 FREAKING 15 in the morning Wednesday to catch our flight (no nap = early bedtime tomorrow).

Anyway, that's my venting for the day. Hopefully I'll find a little time tomorrow to give Ethan's 13 month update as my blog post.

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