Sunday, April 5, 2009

Head wound update

Blythe did well last night sleeping on her head wound. We had to clean it before bed with hydrogen peroxide and neosporin. She would only let Daddy do it...not me. Anyway, this morning we went to check it and Braden said he couldn't see the staple. He said when he cleaned it last night it seemed high. I went to look at it and couldn't see the staple either. I saw a small puncture that looked like that's where the staple had been. But the wound seemed to be scabbing over, so I guess we were okay. There was a lot of matted hair in it though, so I worried about pulling the hair away and opening the wound. I tried wetting the hair around it, but she just screams anytime I try to get near it.

So during breakfast, Daddy went to clean it with the hydrogen peroxide. He really doused it good and tried pulling some hairs off of it a little at a time. So then we finally got down to it and realized the staple was still there. Phew! As I'm watching him do all of this to Blythe's head, apparently Ethan decides it would be fun to play with the steak knife I was using to cut his breakfast up. I look over at him and he is literally stabbing his tray over and over. Thank goodness he was smart enough to only grab the plastic end.

So I'm really working hard on my "Mommy of the Year" award this weekend. Pretty sure it's only going to get tougher to keep up with these youngin's!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

These are great stories for an almost-due new mother of 2 BOYS. By the way, it looks like you're going to be correct on the "When is Andrew Going to be Born" game!