Thursday, April 30, 2009
Phew, made it to 15
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Water Balloon fight!

Here's some additional photos of the action.

After the water balloons ran out, we just switched to buckets.

So everyone had a blast (except Blythe....but who cares?)! Actually, she confined herself over to the side out of the way and had fun just watching. Maybe next year she'll participate.
The next morning as we're at the breakfast table Blythe says, "Daddy and Ethan are boys and Mommy and me are girls. We're a match and Daddy and Ethan are a match." Then out of the blue...."Maybe we should have another baby". Braden and I just started laughing. Maybe I should take this time to just enjoy the 3 children I already have!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
A computer sounds like a good idea
So when I say "old laptop", I mean like ancient. I think I got it in 1998. So at the time, it ran the newest and greatest Windows 98. And it's real spiffy with an interchangeable floppy drive and DVD-ROM drive (that's right - it actually does take DVD's). Back then, most internet connections were dial up, so it's got all kinds of telephony set up and basically no network connection wizards. However I do have a Wireless-B notebook card to put in it, so it can pick up wireless connection (albeit very slowly).
It's been a couple of years since I even opened the thing up and I do remember having problems with it in the past. But it did boot up with no issue, though I couldn't initially get the wireless card to work. So I was working on it before dinner and Ethan came in to "help" (hammer the keys with his fist) and it suddenly went black. So probably a good indicator that it won't last long with him around anyway. Or maybe I need to put it up higher so he can't get it. So I stopped messing with it for a while.
I picked it back up after the kids went to bed. Got it to come back on, but it was telling me the wireless card software wasn't installed. So I found the software, put it in, installed it, and also removed some of the other programs on there (Quicken, EPSON printer, etc) and all our old saved documents. Still won't connect to the internet, so I try a reboot. And it comes back with "Operating System not found". That's not good.
Fortunately I have my trusty Windows 98 CDROM that was with all this old computer stuff so I stick that in and choose to reboot from the CDROM to reload Windows 98. Then it comes back with "Can't continue with Windows 98 setup because the computer has no hard disk or there is a problem with the hard disk". Piece of crap. It just worked like 5 minutes ago.
I try a few more times, but same old junk. So that's the end of the story. No computer for the kids because I don't want to deal with this piece of shit. Apparently notebook computers really aren't meant to last 11 years. I'm going to let Braden smash it and I'll try to get it on video to share with you all.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Blythe can swim! (kind of)
And our little motor boat with a kickboard:
There is hope that she might one day be an excellent swimmer! Now we need to get Ethan back in so he's ready for the beach too...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Time to open a can of whoop ass

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
A new mop!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Earth Day party
After some more playing at home and some nice naps (thank goodness!), we headed out to a neighborhood "Earth Day" party. Earth Day is actually next week on Wednesday. "Earth Day" party sounds a lot like "birthday party", so even though I tried to explain to the girls where we were going, they were quite confused. Regardless, they were happy just to be wearing similar outfits, so they could look like "twins".

Basically it was a neighborhood gathering near the creek behind our house to learn about recycling, pick up trash, clean up the creek, and have a potluck dinner (oh, and play in the dirt, roll in the grass, and generally just get really dirty). Initially my priss daughter and her equally priss friend wanted no part in touching trash or getting dirty, but eventually I convinced them to pick up some trash.

Don't they look thrilled about it?
Blythe actually did give me a cute pose, which is rare:

And, though I didn't get any photos, Ethan was there too. He rode in the backpack for a while and then got down to beg for brownies, cookies, or anything else he could get his hands on.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Ethan's tantrums
Blythe had a breakthrough swim lesson on Monday I would say. She can now swim by herself. She can go about 8 feet probably, but she still needs someone to help her get all the way to the surface to take a breath. I meant to bring my camera to yesterday's swim lesson, but I was watching LOST online (because I missed last week's episode) and had to run out the door as soon as it was over and so I forgot. Hopefully I will remember on Monday.
And as I side note, only one month until our vacation at the beach! Good God, I can hardly wait!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Our trip to Dallas for Easter

Monday, April 6, 2009
Ethan home sick...again
A lot to do in 2 days (especially the paid work part). Good thing the kids have day care.
Whoa! Nothing like a little monkey wrench in the Ethan home sick today. Ugh! A fever yesterday, diarrhea today, and the poor guy has the worst runny nose and just looks pathetic. I've been using Purel like a madwoman because I SO don't want to get sick on my vacation. Cousin Amy - I give big apologies if we end up being virus carrying houst guests coming to invade. Dear God I hope not.
So I call our family doctor this morning and talk to the receptionist and tell her about Blythe's injury and ask about getting the staple out. There are 2 doctors at the practice, but technically we are patients of one of them. I already know what the hospital said about needing to get it taken out in 5-7 days, but to check with our family doctor about an exact date. Problem is, the time frame falls during our visit to Texas. Anyway, I start to explain about us being out of town and she cuts me off saying Dr. Freeman is only in today this week. So I say, well today's probably too early since it's only been 3 days, blah, blah. She puts me on hold to ask the doctor and comes back and says, "It needs to be 5 days". So I start back in to my story about going out of town, can it wait until we get back..." She cuts me off again...."5 DAYS!". Jeesh. Bitch. Fine...I'll find a doctor in Texas then. Well that turned out not to be too easy. To see a regular doctor, I'd have to pay a new patient fee. Or I could go to an urgent care place, but that's a pain because you have to wait a while (last thing I want to do on a day off). So I decide later in the day to call my doctor back and see if maybe the other doctor there will at least take a look at Blythe's head and see if they can take it out tomorrow (even though it's only 4 days). If not, I'll go to the urgent care place. I know right? What a concept! Fortunately I got a nicer receptionist. Unfortunately, the only available time was 1:20pm, which is during nap at daycare, which means I'll have to pick her up after lunch and she'll be home a while and either she'll then come home and nap or there will be no nap at all. I'm leaning towards the latter since we have to leave our house at 4 FREAKING 15 in the morning Wednesday to catch our flight (no nap = early bedtime tomorrow).
Anyway, that's my venting for the day. Hopefully I'll find a little time tomorrow to give Ethan's 13 month update as my blog post.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Head wound update
So during breakfast, Daddy went to clean it with the hydrogen peroxide. He really doused it good and tried pulling some hairs off of it a little at a time. So then we finally got down to it and realized the staple was still there. Phew! As I'm watching him do all of this to Blythe's head, apparently Ethan decides it would be fun to play with the steak knife I was using to cut his breakfast up. I look over at him and he is literally stabbing his tray over and over. Thank goodness he was smart enough to only grab the plastic end.
So I'm really working hard on my "Mommy of the Year" award this weekend. Pretty sure it's only going to get tougher to keep up with these youngin's!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
A trip to the emergency room

Friday, April 3, 2009
A rough trip home
To protect the identities of those involved, I won't mention the airline name (I may or may not have family who work for that airline).
The house was actually pretty clean and Braden had even gotten some painting done while I was gone. He did tell me, "I'm not gonna lie....this house was a WRECK at 9:00pm last night. Toys EVERYWHERE!". At least I didn't have to come to that!