Yesterday when I picked Blythe up from school they told me she bit her friend on the arm...twice! I was shocked! She's never been a biter before. My kids (poor things) have always been on the receiving end of biters. Blythe, when she used to go to a half-time day care at a friends house, used to get bit quite often by my friend's son. And Ethan got bit one day in the nursery at day care. Fortunately she's at the age where she does know right from wrong, in fact both times she realized right away what she did was wrong and immediately offered a hug (though apparently that didn't stop her from doing it a second time). I had "the talk" with her after school and she of course got upset, but I guess time will tell if it did any good. The day before that she says to me, "I SCRATCH you". I said, "Uh, you better not...scratching is not allowed". I think she's picking this up from some of the boys at day care who are having these issues.
This morning Blythe was so cute though. After she got up and she, Ethan, and I were all in her room playing, she wanted to put her "bubba" (blankie) down and put all of her toys on it so she could play with them. She noticed Ethan had no toy to play with so she said, " I have to get Ethan a toy!". She ran to the next room, got him an age-appropriate toy and gave it to him. Then she realized I didn't have a toy either. She ran to the next room, brought me back an age-appropriate, just kidding. She gave me one of her stuffed animals so I wouldn't feel left out. How sweet!
Later when we were about to head out for day care, I had to go potty (I know...too much information, blah, blah). But anyway, I asked Blythe if she could sit with Ethan while I went and show him some of her toys and keep him entertained. She did exactly as I asked and Ethan loved it! I still had to go potty with the door open, but it was definitely a step in the right direction. I have dreams that one day I might be able to shut the bathroom door when I go, but for now I was happy at least not having them both in there with me.
Oh, and one of the other mom's at the day care and I are meeting with the administrator today at 2pm to go over our "concerns". Will keep you updated on what happens with that.