Thursday, September 8, 2011

The first day of kindergarten

As I mentioned in my last post, the start of kindergarten is a little weird here.  Staggered visitation days and actually riding the bus on the visitation day, so I'd say it tones down the first day of kindergarten to not as big of an event.

Aug. 31 was "meet the teacher" day.  We went to the school at lunchtime and checked a list for each teacher to find Blythe's name.  I have no idea who the other teachers are and therefore have zero expectations, which is a good thing I guess.  Ignorance is bliss, right?  So anyway, Blythe has Mrs. Kingston as her teacher.  Mrs. Kingston is the only new kindergarten teacher this year, but she seemed really cool and has been teaching in an elementary school for 9 years.  Her husband went to Radford and is now going to NC State, so what's not to like?  Blythe is now on her 5th day of school and still doesn't remember her teacher's name though.  She had a bag for each kid at the "meet the teacher" with a bit of candy in it, so that's all Blythe was really interested in.

So anyway, first day of kindergarten was Sept. 1.  She was hyped about riding the bus to school.  I was slightly concerned, but figured she'd make it there alright.  She had her Hello Kitty backpack and Hello Kitty lunchbox and was all set!

Here she is getting on the bus:

She has made a couple of friends on the bus.  She says one is 9 and in fourth grade.  2 others are in kindergarten.  One of those 2 is in her class.  They sit together on the bus, but Blythe still can't remember her name.  She has made another friend in her class named Sophia and they sit together at lunch.

She had a great day though.  I'm looking at her picture now and realized she wore the exact same thing today.  Guess that's the "Thursday" outfit.  Blythe is dressing herself now and I guess has a few favorite outfits.

Anyway, she had PE that day and then Music on Friday.  She was bummed about the holiday because she didn't get to do Art on Monday.

Blythe LOVES kindergarten so far.  She is so excited to show me her papers or artwork when she gets home.  But her favorite part about kindergarten is, unsurprisingly, riding the bus.

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