Saturday, March 27, 2010

Potty training progress report

Final tally of the day:
6 pair dirty underwear (5 wet, 1 poop)
1 pair dirty pants
2 pull-ups (if you count the one I put him in tonight for bed)
about 30-35 pee pees in the potty

So actually he had a really really good first day. Of the 5 wet underwear, only 1 was really a full accident. The others were wet after a series of very small pees (drops). As the day progressed, his pee pee's in the potty got much larger (streams vs. drops earlier in the day). He didn't poop in the potty today....just once in his underpants. Hoping to have that fixed tomorrow because it's really yucky. We also weren't home from 8:30-12:30 this morning. The kids had gymnastics and then we ran a few errands, so the day started out with all trips to public bathrooms and Ethan did quite well (though figuring out exactly how to go when there is no stool, he hasn't yet learned to aim, and sitting is difficult trying not to fall in...well, I guess it's a learning experience for us all). Also after nap we went to the Freel's for dinner, which I think helped because it's more peer pressure since it's not just me telling him to go potty every 15 minutes. So actually we were hardly home all day. He did only tell me a couple of times that he had to potty and those meant he already went (one was last night, one was today with the one wet accident). Otherwise it was me taking him every 15-20 minutes about.

How does this compare to our potty training of Blythe? Completely different. She went through 10 pair of underwear the first day and I'm pretty sure 10 pair of pants. Hers were all accidents and I can't remember if she actually peed on the potty at all the first day. She did a whole lot of sitting on the potty with no results. Ethan was pretty much in and out of the potty as he would pee just about every time I took him. I did put Ethan in a pull-up at naptime and he did pee in it. Blythe did not wear pull-ups at naptime starting day 1 and never had a naptime accident. Blythe's second day was MUCH better and by day 3 she was pretty much golden. She wore a pull-up for about a month at night but was dry almost every morning during that time. I'm expecting Ethan's second day to be slightly better than today then the 3rd day to be slightly better than that, etc. And I'm expecting he'll be in pull-ups at night for maybe up to a year.

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