So I grew up with my Dad being "on a trip" several days each week. I practically never knew exactly where he was going, but when I was younger he would always bring something back for me and my brother and sister (don't get too was usually an airline wings sticker or maybe a cookie from the airplane snack box). But, it was enough to let us know he was thinking of us. And when I was a bit older, he always managed to be there for my important swim meets or other important (or even not important) family events. At the time I think I just expected it. Now when I look back I realize the sacrifices he probably had to make time and again by flying trips he didn't want or maybe getting paid less that month just so he could have those 2 days in a row on a weekend off.
Sometimes he couldn't spring it to have Thanksgiving off or Christmas off, so we just made up new dates for those holidays and it really never bothered me. I was just proud to have a Dad that was a pilot...I mean how many jobs are cooler than that? Not many. Every time a plane passes over Blythe and Ethan both say, "That's Poppa's plane!" Clearly they think it's a pretty cool job too.

So congratulations to my Dad! I'm proud of him for making it to the end (even after 9/11 when flying became a much more stressful job). I'm happy to see him in this next phase of life (retirement) and hope he enjoys it! I know he'll be busy this year with some travel and lots of golf, and a new grandchild. I'm keeping a list of "home improvement requests" - you know, to help him out in case he gets bored.
Only about 30 more years or so until I get to retire! Yeesh - that's a long way away.
Congratulations, Bruce! We're all so proud and happy for you!
Happy Trails Bruce!!!! A great accomplish for a top notch professional! Congrats!
oh, so, french doors in our basement.....hahahaha just joking!
Yay Bruce! I heard he may want to be a nanny to a beautiful newborn in his next career :)
So cool! Congratulations Sir on a Job well done!
Thanks Mary, I am honored to be one of your "Stars". I always wanted to be there to see and share your accomplishments.
I started with Braniff in 1973, well before you were born.
I love you , Dad
Thank you for leaving such a wonderful tribute to your Dad. I'm proud of you for recognizing what a great guy he really is.
Love you,
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