Thursday, August 13, 2009

Trip down to Baton Rouge

I'm a big girl. I can admit when I'm wrong. Ethan has croup. So, it really was a good thing day care was proactive so he couldn't go to school on Tuesday. We didn't send him Wednesday either even though he had no fever. He had a cough, but it wasn't the tell-tale croup cough until Wednesday at naptime. So someone infected him, but hopefully he didn't infect others.

We flew down to Louisiana last night. Drove all the way to Charlotte, then flew to New Orleans, then drove to Baton Rouge. The kids were exhausted! But considering how long it took us to get here, they did great. Both were good on the ride to Charlotte, Ethan slept on the plane (after a brief episode of trying to fight the sleep), Blythe watched a movie on the plane, then both slept on the car ride to Baton Rouge. Then no trouble at all getting them to go back to sleep in beds. Nice!

Ethan feels a little better today. Though no one really likes the hot and humid weather of Louisiana during August, the humidity certainly helps with the coughing.

They both swam in the pool this morning and Blythe went off the diving board. Actually Ethan went off too (or really I just lowered him down into the pool). Then it came to an end after Ethan was walking around and got stung by a wasp on the top of his foot. Ouch! Poor kid can't catch a break!

Looking forward to some fresh fish tonight for dinner...yum!


Amy said...

Sorry - pretty sure it was Luke again!!!

Doug said...

Glad you guys made it down there OK. Hope you guys have a great time!