I'm not so much a fan of the 10-16 month age range. There are lots of firsts (like walking, climbing, etc) but they are so accident prone that you literally have to watch them every second and combined with the separation anxiety during that time, it's just not a lot of fun sometimes. But 17 months is another story. He's now more aware of being up high on something and the potential that he could fall, so he's much more careful and usually able to lower himself down. Same goes for stairs (though we still always watch him on the stairs).
He's also starting to get past the separation anxiety. All week this week I've dropped him off at day care, he's given me a hug and off he went to play with no tears when I left. Great!
I don't know his stats right now, but here's some other tidbits:
- He's starting to say lots more words these days and is much more capable of repeating back (or trying to) the things we say. His current favorite word to say is "alligator"
- His favorite book is the Bogie book (a book about a dog named Fergus that looks exactly like our dog Bogie)
- He's still biting kids at school, but not as much. Hopefully the phase is passing. He got bit the other day and we were probably the only parents to be happy their child got bit so he would feel what it's like and then maybe stop.
- He just about has all of his teeth, except the 2 year molars. A few have just broken through but aren't full grown
- He's recently learned how to throw a ball pretty well and he's currently working on his jump shot for basketball
- He likes trying to play golf. He lines up his club pretty well, but the follow-thru just isn't there yet
- He's doing much better at eating with a spoon. See here:
- He plays with Blythe a lot more now and they also fight all the time. He knows exactly what to do to piss her off. And it drives me crazy.
- He's pretty good about sharing his toys with Blythe but does not like to share his Mommy. There's the "who gets to sit in Mommy's lap" argument daily.
- He's just starting to grow out of his 12-18 month clothes and is also starting to get too big for his size 5 shoes.
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