Monday, August 31, 2009
Back home
So it was back to school and work today. I missed the kids today, remembering the good times we had. Then when they got home from school, they were back to their old whiny selves and so I'm once again grateful for day care.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Myrtle Beach Part 6

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Myrtle Beach part 5
More pool and beach time this morning and today after nap we'll head over to Barefoot Landing and have dinner at Dick's Last Resort. I'll be sure to bring my camera there in case they decide to make us some condom hats. If you've never been, you have no idea what I'm talking about and you're completely missing out.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Myrtle Beach Part 4

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Myrtle Beach part 3
Next up was the tea cups. Ethan wasn't big enough to ride by himself and I would have puked on him if I had to ride, so Braden rode with him (Braden didn't need a ticket though). After a while Ethan looked like he might puke, but I still think he liked it. And of course Blythe loved it.
Let's see, next up was the carousel. Nothing all that exciting about it, pretty standard. We tried to convince Blythe to ride the one that looked like Juni, but she wanted the horse with the pink ribbon. Such a girl.

Then Blythe really wanted to ride the caterpillar. It was really fast and went round and round, so again I punted to Braden. He did have to use a ticket this time though. Check out how fast.
After they went round and round for a while, it stopped and then went BACKWARDS round and round just as fast. Blythe loved it!
So we had just one ticket left. Ethan got to ride the boats by himself.
We finished up the evening with dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe, which is really more about the atmosphere than the food. The really nice thing about this trip is that it's not crowded anywhere. We're past prime season, school has started in a lot of places, so we have not-so-crowded beaches, no wait at the Hard Rock, and rides we're riding by ourselves. Only one more year that we get to go on vacation the first week of school. Then Blythe will start kindergarten...ah! getting ahead of myself!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Myrtle Beach Part 2
Blythe's trying to escape the sun...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Myrtle Beach vacation part 1

Braden unloaded and then took the kids to the beach while I put stuff away. As is now the tradition every time we go to the beach, the kids didn’t put their swimsuits on, but came back wet and sandy.
We also brought the dogs on this trip. Braden woke up early this morning and took Juni to the beach so she could swim in the ocean.

Later in the morning Braden, the kids, and I headed to the ocean. Well, actually the beach. Hurricane Bill is causing some rip tides along the east coast, so no swimming allowed today. So instead we built sand “castles”. We can only fill one bucket, flip it over, and then Ethan knocks it down instantly. That’s his favorite thing to do. Well, that and throw sand.
Then we went to the pool for a while and then nap time. Ahhh! I have a feeling this will be our regular morning routine for the next 7 days. Fine by me!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Our visit to Baton Rouge
And Ethan decided to give it a try too. Over the course of the trip, Ethan went down many times and Blythe even went down head first.
We were sad to say goodbye to Uncle Jon.

The kids also got to hang out with other kids! We had Braden's second (or third?) cousin Hunter and Tyler (who flew in from Boston with his parents).

Blythe tried to keep up with Hunter's crazy tricks on the diving board, and although he was 2 years older, she did a pretty good job!

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Trip down to Baton Rouge
We flew down to Louisiana last night. Drove all the way to Charlotte, then flew to New Orleans, then drove to Baton Rouge. The kids were exhausted! But considering how long it took us to get here, they did great. Both were good on the ride to Charlotte, Ethan slept on the plane (after a brief episode of trying to fight the sleep), Blythe watched a movie on the plane, then both slept on the car ride to Baton Rouge. Then no trouble at all getting them to go back to sleep in beds. Nice!
Ethan feels a little better today. Though no one really likes the hot and humid weather of Louisiana during August, the humidity certainly helps with the coughing.
They both swam in the pool this morning and Blythe went off the diving board. Actually Ethan went off too (or really I just lowered him down into the pool). Then it came to an end after Ethan was walking around and got stung by a wasp on the top of his foot. Ouch! Poor kid can't catch a break!
Looking forward to some fresh fish tonight for dinner...yum!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Eating is so tiring
Monday, August 10, 2009
I should buy stock in Tylenol
We're flying down to Louisiana on Wednesday with the kiddos to visit with the grandparents. So OF COURSE that means I have to get my whole week's worth of work done in just 2.5 days. And as most of you know, I hate leaving the house if it's messy or dirty. So, you know, that means a lot to get done.
But as is the case EVERY FREAKIN TIME we are about to head out, I had a sick child home from school today. Blythe started up with a high fever again yesterday (because it had been all of 4 days since that had happened before...ugh!). She woke us up at 4am still not feeling well. After her antsy self wouldn't fall back asleep in our bed, I made her go back to her own bed, where she slept until 10am this morning. She felt better today, so she should be able to go to school tomorrow. Fortunately, she's easy to have at home and I was able to get most of my work done. Ethan is the hard one. And onto my second part of the story.
He started getting hoarse yesterday, which sounded funny since he can't say a whole lot of words anyway. I kind of expected him to get a high fever too, but he didn't and felt fine this morning and ate lots for breakfast. He went to school and I got no calls all day. Yay! But when I went to pick him up at 5pm, they said "oh, we JUST took his temperature and he was 101.2". Funny - 101 is the threshold for having to stay home for 24 hours. And why the hell would they take his temp at 5pm when I was on my way there to get him anyway? It wasn't like he was acting lethargic or anything. He was covered in sand from the sandbox when I got there for god's sake! Besides, if he was going to infect anyone else, he already did it today. So now I'll have Ethan home tomorrow even if he wakes up feeling just fine. So, yep, I'm pissed. They better both be at day care on Wednesday so I can pack in peace before picking them up in the afternoon to head out. Bah humbug.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Fun day with the kids

I was feeling generous, so we went to Target so they could each get one new toy. It's been quite a while since we actually bought a toy. All the toys they acquired over Christmas and birthdays are no longer seeming very new. So the other thing I bought at Target was more plastic bins so I can renew my "toy vault" so they aren't all out all the time.
This morning the kids and I headed over to "Steppin Out", an annual street fair in Blacksburg. It was a nice way to kill about an hour as we got there right at the beginning of the day, so it wasn't too crowded yet. They both got balloons and a free stuffed animal (SO needed more of those...not). Then Blythe wanted to try a hula hoop but was failing miserably. The guy selling them tried to give her a personal lesson, but no luck. Maybe next year. I did spend 1 dollar so Blythe could jump in a bounce house for 5 minutes. Then both of them decorated (and then ate) a sugar cookie. Then we left and I had only spent the one dollar. Nice.
A bit later we headed to the pool with the Freel's. Blythe had a great time playing with her best bud Ashley.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Ethan 17 month update

I'm not so much a fan of the 10-16 month age range. There are lots of firsts (like walking, climbing, etc) but they are so accident prone that you literally have to watch them every second and combined with the separation anxiety during that time, it's just not a lot of fun sometimes. But 17 months is another story. He's now more aware of being up high on something and the potential that he could fall, so he's much more careful and usually able to lower himself down. Same goes for stairs (though we still always watch him on the stairs).
He's also starting to get past the separation anxiety. All week this week I've dropped him off at day care, he's given me a hug and off he went to play with no tears when I left. Great!
I don't know his stats right now, but here's some other tidbits:
- He's starting to say lots more words these days and is much more capable of repeating back (or trying to) the things we say. His current favorite word to say is "alligator"
- His favorite book is the Bogie book (a book about a dog named Fergus that looks exactly like our dog Bogie)
- He's still biting kids at school, but not as much. Hopefully the phase is passing. He got bit the other day and we were probably the only parents to be happy their child got bit so he would feel what it's like and then maybe stop.
- He just about has all of his teeth, except the 2 year molars. A few have just broken through but aren't full grown
- He's recently learned how to throw a ball pretty well and he's currently working on his jump shot for basketball
- He likes trying to play golf. He lines up his club pretty well, but the follow-thru just isn't there yet
- He's doing much better at eating with a spoon. See here:
- He plays with Blythe a lot more now and they also fight all the time. He knows exactly what to do to piss her off. And it drives me crazy.
- He's pretty good about sharing his toys with Blythe but does not like to share his Mommy. There's the "who gets to sit in Mommy's lap" argument daily.
- He's just starting to grow out of his 12-18 month clothes and is also starting to get too big for his size 5 shoes.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Going to see Adle
Braden's story is about a frog too (I think...or maybe a turtle). Named Marvin. Who is red with blue polka dots (or maybe blue with red polka dots). Anyway, I'm not exactly sure how his story goes, but apparently Marvin is all buddy-buddy with Santa Claus and reports back to him if Blythe is being good or bad.
So anyway, Braden was leaving today to go to Seattle to recruit at the US Open meet. He told Blythe this morning at breakfast that he was going to Seattle and that Marvin was going to be there so he could then chat with Marvin about whether Blythe was being good or not. She was pretty excited Braden was going to see Marvin because she's anxious for Santa Claus to hear how good she's been. She never questioned who "Adle" was though. She just accepted that Daddy was going to go see "Adle" and have a nice chat with Marvin. Oh, and apparently this Adle person lives far, far away.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Holy cow!
Anyway, as soon as Blythe saw that cow mascot she instantly became his (or her?) stalker. "COW! Give me a hug!" "I touched the cow's tail!" "COW! Give me a high five!" "take a picture with me cow!" "COW! I love you COW!" it was totally ridiculous and eventually I had to make her stop before he pressed charges.
Ethan on the other hand was deathly afraid of the cow. He nearly tore my shoulder out of it's socket trying to hide himself from the cow when the cow even looked in his direction. He may as well have thought the cow would pull a dagger from it's utter and attack him. At one point when we were seated and the cow started to walk kind of near our table, he started screaming.
So weird how kids are like that. They really either LOVE mascots or they are so afraid of them. And I have the 2 polar extremes.
Oh yeah, and Blythe was extra cool in Chick-fil-a because she was wearing her pirate eye patch that she got in her goody bag at the birthday party on Sunday night. She would walk around saying "Arghhh!" and Ethan then would say it too. I, on the other hand, was not allowed to since apparently I'm not a pirate.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Gommy visits

Saturday, August 1, 2009
The bike buggy
The hard part was actually riding the bike. It actually wasn't as hard as I thought pulling around both kids, but there are no flat areas around where we live, so while it's great fun to go downhill, it always means there will be an uphill somewhere. So I took them 3 laps around our neighborhood and Braden took them 1 lap. Here's a little video clip. As we pass our house, we're on a downward slant, so check out our super-fastness.
The kids wanted to keep going, but the adults were too tired, so we'll try again maybe today.
We've had a lot of rain, so just before bathtime, the kids were outside finding puddles of water on the deck and playing in them. Then Blythe started getting water and putting it in Ethan's hair and giving him mohawks and crazy hairdo's. Which she called "hairdudes". Probably not a bad term for male hairdo's actually.