Thursday, September 30, 2010
Not Me and I Don't Know
Normally I will ask them to feed the dogs and they fight over who gets to use the red cup (instead of the green cup) and they keep on filling the dish until it's practically overflowing and I have to tell them to stop.
But yesterday I said, "Who wants to feed the dogs?" and these are the responses I got:
"not me!"
"I don't want to"
Ugh! They're banding together against me! Instead of blaming each other when I ask "who made this mess?". Now I get:
"I don't know"
"Not me"
Damn these I-Don't-Know and Not-Me people. Think I could get tax deductions for Not me and I Don't Know?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Brynn's 4 month stats

Monday, September 27, 2010
Day Out with Thomas
Friday, September 24, 2010
4 months!
- The picture is from bath time, which she LOVES. Still in the baby bath seat, but getting almost too big. Plus she likes to try to "jump" out of it, which isn't all that safe.
- Sleep is basically still the same. About 12 hours at night (7:30pm to 7:15am) and about 3 naps during the day. Actually on day care days it's sometimes 4. All are about 30 or 45 minutes. There's just too much going to on sleep and miss it all!
- Eating is still the same too. Eats 5 times a day, though on day care days it's 2 bottles a day (I'm still going to the day care once a day to feed her). She can now take a bottle of formula if necessary (though she still gets almost all breast milk).
- She loves going to Ethan's gymnastics class on Thursdays because she gets to go in the front carrier and make flirty eyes at the other little boys. But she's getting heavy in the front carrier!
- 2 days ago was the first time I noticed her cry real tears
- She LOVES her mommy. I can usually calm her down almost instantly.
- She has not rolled over nor has made any attempt to (unless she has at day care). Partly I think because she's lazy and partly because of lack of opportunity. She's in the exersaucer, the car seat, or being held much of the time. Though she is on her back in her bed for 12 hours....scratch that...she has plenty of opportunity. She's just lazy.
- She laughs some, but it's kind of hard to get her to laugh. When she does, it's a soft giggle, not a big belly laugh.
- Still wearing size 2 diapers. She's grown out of any small 3-6 month clothes and is mostly wearing larger 3-6 month or small 6-9 month stuff.
- She can sit for sometimes a couple of seconds without support but usually leans too far forward or falls to the side.
- She does try to talk all the time. Sometimes even at 3 or 4 in the morning. She can say some consonants like "h" and "b" and "g" and "l" sounds.
The next month will hold many changes for this little girl. Won't be long until we move her to the bath seat in the big bath tub. Soon she'll be trying some solids and be able to sit in a high chair. She can probably go ahead and try the johnny jumper, though I haven't gotten it out yet. I'll probably break out the baby backpack soon too, as it's easier to carry her in than the front carrier. And hopefully she'll be rolling over in the next month. Good times ahead!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Let's make some noise
Louder than that for sure. So Brynn's been practicing. At about 3 in the morning. Not screaming or crying, just talking. I don't ever have to go in there. She just practices for about 15 or 20 minutes and then goes back to sleep. Then she practices some more when she wakes up in the morning (while she waits for Mommy to take her sweet ass time brushing her teeth, brushing her hair, putting on makeup, etc). But she's content just laying there talking. I swear she can almost say "Hi!". Yesterday and today, when I say "Hi!' to Brynn, she says "Ha" back to me. Clearly with the "H" sound.
Her primary focus is definitely on talking and not on mobility. She hasn't rolled over yet. Hasn't even made an effort to. Of course, that probably has something to do with her rarely laying down unless she's asleep. She's usually in her exersaucer, the front carrier, or being held. Speaking of front carrier, she fell asleep in it yesterday. Facing frontwards. She was SO tired from daycare!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
We're silly
Thursday, September 16, 2010
And the project goes on
In the living room, we're just waiting on countertops. We ordered them back in July and apparently they were back-ordered. Finally picked them up last Friday and tried to install them on Sunday and found they were not cut to the right size. The depth was half and inch too big. Seems like they could just cut that half inch off, but we also had them cut a hole for electrical cords and cutting a half inch off the back would mess it up. So we took them back and now wait another 3-4 weeks for them to be back-ordered again. Ugh! At least they gave us the countertops for free after all the hassle. But the never-ending project continues.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Good news
Anyway, they got to go on the field before the game and then stayed until mid-way through the second quarter. Ethan had a good time. I think they'll go this weekend too.
The weather was MUCH better yesterday, so we got to do a lot of playing outside. Blythe, Ginsey, and Ginsey's other friend spent the day running back and forth from Ginsey's house to ours, eating snacks all day, dressing up in various outfits, and telling secrets. Basically, Blythe was in HEAVEN.
Ethan's been asking all summer to go on a bike ride and it's either been too hot or just too much going on with a newborn and all. But yesterday Braden took him on a bike ride to the grocery store to pick up some food for dinner.
When they got back, a few of the neighbors started up an impromptu t-ball game. Eventually there were about 6 or 7 families playing. LOVE LOVE our neighborhood on days like that.
As for Brynn, we got to break out the exersaucer this weekend! Oh exersaucer, how I love thee. It'll be a freaking miracle though if the exersaucer lasts until Brynn grows out of it without Blythe or Ethan breaking it. I have little faith in the small pieces of rubber that are now almost 5 years old that are holding it together.
Anyway, it was a good weekend. Tomorrow is Braden's birthday so be sure to wish him Happy Birthday! He'll be just as OLD as me!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Fall Activities
Braden was out of town Tuesday, so it was just me and the 3 kids trying to get from day care to campus, to the pool, to the locker room. I had to entertain Ethan and Brynn during the lesson, so I didn't get to watch a whole lot of it, let alone actually get some footage. But overall I'd say she did well. She did not do well at listening to her instructor tell her to "Stay on the wall!" when it wasn't her turn. We had us a little talk afterwards about it. Braden took her yesterday and I asked if she did better at staying on the wall when it wasn't her turn, and he said No. But he did say she did the backstroke yesterday. So I think these lessons will be good.
As for Ethan, since I had Brynn on my in the front carrier, I also didn't get any footage of him. He acted all shy at the beginning of class. They split into 2 groups and his group did trampoline first. He wanted no part of it at first, but came around eventually. Then his group switched to floor and he wanted no part of doing a somersault, but again eventually came around.
Brynn takes cat naps at day care usually so she is REALLY tired in the evenings. Should make for an interesting Fall but, so far so good.