Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Week in pictures

Trying this out.  It's from last week's pictures (which I didn't resolve to taking more photos until mid-week).

1. Pedicure on my day off before my adventures with the kiddos began
2. Ethan scored 5 goals at his last soccer games!
3. Fun on the tire swing at Laurel Hills park
4. These boots were made for walkin
5. Brynn on the swing at the park (and kind of sucking her thumb, which she's started lately).
6. The note the tooth fairy left
7. Ethan's soccer team.  Braden was the coach, but he was out of town for the last game.
8. Fun at the Durham Bulls game!
9. Brynn likes jelly beans more than baseball


aichiba said...

I'm so behind on blogging and reading blogs! I'm so happy for you and your family about your new adventure. It is going to be terrific. Now, how did you make that cool picture collage????

Mary Holloway said...

Thanks Amy! It's an app for iphone/ipod/ipad. I'm not cool enough to have an iphone, but I have an ipod touch, so have been taking photos with it. Go to www.pixly.me for the app.

aichiba said...

Thank you! I will try it out. Mik and I just recently got cool enough for iphones and they are the bomb. I highly recommend it. Of course I was upgrading from a flip phone so anything was better that that thing.

Unknown said...

Lindos os seus filhos parabéns e que Deus os Abençoe a todos!
Veja o meu blog: artcontexto.blogspot.com

Meu nome é Luis Caio moro no Brasil Rio de Janeiro