Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Half bath makeover

Okay, I know I'm WAY behind on blogging.  Life has been too crazy recently and I'm waiting for it to slow down.  Okay, okay, I know it's not going to slow down.  For now, I will blog about a small accomplishment...a half-bath makeover!  Because starting a business, deciding to (kind of) quit my job and planning for that, travelling, working full-time, and trying to keep up with everyday life isn't enough, I feel the need to throw in a few house projects.  First up was half-bath.

Before photos (very blah).  Someone might say "Wow, this bathroom is very off-white, plain, and is that still a Christmas soap dispenser you have out?  Um, the fixtures are nice."

We installed a chair rail, painted (same orange/terra cotta color that is in living room...shows up bright on photos online), put up decorative shelf, added a few accessories.  And we have ourselves a nice bathroom!

About all those other things going on...will have to squeeze in some blogging time hopefully soon.

Next upcoming house project - laundry room makeover.  Stay tuned.

1 comment:

lynette said...

Nice work! I love a makeover :)