Pee'd in cup. Check.
Vision test. Check.
Height/weight check. Check.
Reflex test. Check.
Blood pressure check. Check.
Hemoglobin test (aka finger prick). Check.
Vaccines (4 separate shots). Check.
Too bad she failed 3 of them and will have to redo.
Pee in cup - Fail. Although we were successful in getting some pee in the cup without making too much of a mess, they found protein in her urine. She needs to drink more water during the day and retest in 2 weeks. I just cannot contain my excitement of having to hold that cup for her once again.
Vision test - Fail. She tested at 20/40 vision and they like to see 20/30 or better. I personally think she can see fine. She was reading letters and didn't even try to read that last line when they asked her. But - may just need to keep an "eye" out for her and possibly retest. In 2012 when I add her to my vision plan.
Height/Weight check - Pass! Not really sure how you could fail that one, but anyway, she's 50th percentile in both. Weighs 39.5 pounds and 42.75 inches tall.
Reflex test - Pass!
Blood pressure - Pass (I think). Don't actually know the results of this one.
Hemoglobin test - Fail. 10.5. Whatever that means. Should be a little higher apparently. She needs to take a multivitamin daily to increas iron and retest in a few months. First off, did you know most kids vitamins have no iron? Found that out today as I was trying to buy some. Finally found a special "Flinstones with Iron". Second, I call "not it" on taking her back in a few months for a finger prick.
Vaccines - Ummmm.....I guess technically it's a Pass, but the process in getting from beginning to end...FAIL, FAIL, FAIL! She knew she had to get 4 shots. Okay, so first she thought it was just 1. Just before going to the doctor I told her I thought it was 2 shots (I was thinking it was actually 3). Then doctor said it was 4. Yikes! She acted like it was going to be okay. But then those nurses came in and told her to lie down and pull down her pants and that's when the screaming started. So one nurse and myself pinned her down while the other one did the shots. She screamed SO loud after the first one. Then EVEN LOUDER after the second. And then somehow managed to scream even louder after each one. I don't think there were any other kids at the doctor's office at the time and actually it was surprisingly very UNcrowded at the time, so good thing she didn't scare off TOO many people. It was awful. While I was pinning her down and she was screaming, I was actually fighting the urge to laugh. How awful is that? My little girl in agony and I just want to laugh? Weird how the human brain works sometimes. I guess I had to either cry or laugh and my brain chose laugh. Oh well, as soon as it was over she was completely fine. Never complained about her legs hurting or her finger bleeding. I think just glad it was over and now she was in the clear as far as shots are concerned.
Afterwards she picked out not one, not two, but THREE Hannah Montana stickers. Then we went to 7-Eleven so she could pick out some candy. She chose Wild Berry Skittles (gross). Then we came home and she played with Ginsey the rest of the day. See how traumatized she looks?

Sorry - bit of a wardrobe malfunction!
Anyway, we're ready for kindergarten registration!
1 comment:
Tear...I'm really freaking out. I know what you mean when you say you are afraid Blythe will be one of the mean girls. I don't know how many times I can say "You need to be frinds with everyone; share with everyone; play with everyone." I guess we just have to trust that some of that sank in. Girls are so catty(sp?)!
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