I missed Brynn's 6 month update last week since we were travelling to Cashiers, NC for Thanksgiving. She decided to celebrate her half birthday by being sick with a fever. Lovely. Anyway, Braden took her to the doctor the day before for her measurements and shots, but that's when her fever started, so no shots for her (will have to go this week sometime).
She was 16 pounds 10 ounces and 26.5 inches tall. I looked it up and all 3 of my kids were 26.5 inches tall at 6 months. Weird, huh?
Anyway, it appears she is entering into a new phase of her life. She really seems a lot different now than she did just a few weeks ago. She's starting to teeth (those bottom 2 should break through any day now). That and that darned fever she had have been making her a much fussier baby than normal. But the other thing is that she's starting to want to be awake more. Appears the days of catnapping in mom's arms while her siblings are loud as can be are over. I tried it tonight and she wouldn't go to sleep. Finally I took her to her room where it was quiet and she fell asleep. I laid her down in her crib and whoops! awake again! I think she's afraid she's missing out. Used to be she had no schedule on weekends because she would just sleep when she's tired. But now....we might have to try a schedule (which is a pain when that schedule involves 2 naps and you have 2 other kids you need to get out of the house).
Brynn is sitting by herself quite nicely these days. If she's on a soft carpeted area, I'll let her hang out by herself with toys and no pillow. It the floor is hard, she still needs a pillow or someone to sit behind her because she does get distracted and fall backwards sometimes.
It's funny though that she can sit so well, yet I still have NEVER seen her roll over. I know she has done it at daycare, but at home NOTHING. I'm kind of thinking she'll be a late crawler. But who knows. Like I said, she's acting like a different baby recently so it's possible.
As for eating, she's tried lots of foods. All fruits, veggies, and cereal. Such a shocker, but she is not a fan of vegetables. Except sweet potatoes. She USED to like carrots and peas, but now she makes faces (because she'd rather have fruit).
She's saying some sounds like "Ba" and "Da", but mostly she's really quiet around her siblings (because they are so loud and she knows she can't compete). I let her lay in her bed in the mornings for a good while so she can practice talking before the wild ones invade her room. Recently they've been going into her room (after she's awake) and they climb in bed with her and jump and do seat drops to shake the whole bed and then Brynn laughs (kind of a nervous laugh I think...like "please don't jump on my head").
She does lots of big girl things now like sit in the grocery cart and sit in a high chair at restaurants. She's even taken baths in the big bath tub with no bath seat.
She wears size 3 diapers now and is wearing 6-9 or 6-12 month clothes.
Anyway, happy half birthday Brynn! May the next 6 months not go by as quickly as your first 6 months.