Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Sandbox

If we were smart when we built our house, we would have had them level our backyard instead of keeping it on the downward slope it has. But we didn't have kids, just dogs, and so those types of things just never crossed our minds. So anyway, we're left with a sloping yard (and we also put in a fence, so it wouldn't be worth it to fix it now). And that means no playground in the yard without some serious dirt hauling and retention wall building. The good news is that we have a playground in the neighborhood, so that is very nice. But I've been thinking with this new baby on the way that it might be nice for Blythe and Ethan to be able to play in the backyard.

So the next best thing...a makeshift playground. We already have a porch swing hanging under the deck. There is room to hang one kid swing (we have the stuff, just need to get that hung). We also already had a plastic slide in the yard. One more necessity - a sandbox. We had a little tiny crappy plastic one, but wanted a bigger one to fit some of Ethan's trucks. So Braden made a plan, we went to Home Depot, and he knocked it out in just a couple of days. And the kids LOVE it!

Nice job Braden!

And the kids are still enjoying the slide we've had for a few years.

In other news, I had a regular visit to the OB yesterday. All looked good with baby. No more protein in my urine. Blood pressure was good. Size of uterus is now measuring in the normal range. Weight Making up for the last time which was a bit low. Heart rate was about 135-140, so those of you who believe old wives tales will think it's a boy.


ekf said...

Whoo Hooo Home Depot supplies! :)

Wow in the picture of the slide it looks like Blythe is really losing her tow-headness, and Ethan too. I am sure they will become more blonde over the summer again...

lynette said...

Well done, Braden! We'll go ahead and sign you up to build one at our house next year. ;)

Borendame Blabber said...

Great job Braden! Enjoy this great weather!