Thursday, April 22, 2010

Accident Report

I'm happy to report Ethan has gone 4 days with NO accidents! Of course now that I type that, he'll probably start having a few.

Blythe, on the other hand, has had at least one every day. Not at school (she hasn't done that in probably a year), but at home. I'm not sure what's going on. I personally think it's a cry for attention, maybe because Ethan has been getting more attention since he's been potty training. If that's the case, I hate to see what happens after this baby is born. Maybe instead she'll step up and want to be more of a big sister helper. Guess we shall see. In the meantime, she can continue to work on her dancing skills.


aichiba said...

Olivia Newton John eat your heart out!

Tommy Rapier said...

She is getting SOOOOOO BIG!!!

Katie Clare said...

I wish I had that much energy. She is just a hoot!