Thursday, February 26, 2009

New camera

I got my new camera! And while I haven't read the whole manual (which I certainly intend to do), I did manage to take a few pics this morning of the kids. I also took a lot last night of Bogie sleeping and the toys in the living room as I was reading the manual and testing things out, but I'm going to take a wild guess that you're not so much interested in those.

Here's Ethan smiling at Blythe as she is actually trying to scratch his arm and tell him he is not invited to her tea party with Elmo.

Hey, look at this one! Blythe is actually looking at the camera!

And here's Ethan looking at the dog food dish. Though you can't hear him, he is saying "Nuh", which means "No". I always know when Ethan is getting into something he's not supposed to because he tells me. Like when we're playing in Blythe's room and he touches the one outlet that doesn't have a cover on it. I'll be playing with Blythe and then I hear "Nuh!". So I look and he's pointing at it.

And lastly, here is Ethan's face while pooping (in a clean diaper I had just changed him into). I don't think he was all that happy with me for taking a pic during this "private" moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay, great shots! i know you must be so excited about the new camera :) good job capturing that "private moment" too... haha.