Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentines Party

Blythe has her Valentines party at school today. I had signed up to bring goldfish. I went ahead and brought it this morning because I have a bit of a work crisis going on and I'm not sure I'll actually make it to the party at 3:00. I was completely stressed about work last night but I did manage to help Blythe make her Valentines for all the kids in her class. I actually was amazed I remembered to buy them last time I was at Wal-mart. They are butterfly Valentines and they come with these little butterfly tattoos, that you have to tear off and stick in these extremely small slits on the card. Then you have to fold them and put a heart sticker on them to keep them closed. Then you have to write "To: so and so From: Blythe". And here's the part where Blythe's "help" comes in - she would do a small scribble on each one. Sometimes she changed markers, but usually stuck with green. Except on Ashley's. Ashley got red, then pink, then yellow, then green, then purple I think.

So we got all those done, shoved em in a used grocery bag and took them this morning to school along with the goldfish. So I put my goldfish box next to the perfectly decorated cupcakes with pink icing and rainbow sprinkles, which was next to the box/tray of red valentines cups each filled with a homemade snack mix. Then I put her grocery bag of store-bought valentines next to the bag of homemade valentines with little glued on hearts cut out of construction paper with names written in puffy paint, all put into a clear celephane valentine bag and labeled with the child's name.

What is with these overachieving parents??? I feel like I can barely keep up and they have time to create Martha Stewart valentines and snacks? These other parents work full time too (or I assume since their kids are in day care).

At least I didn't have to bother with Valentines for Ethan since he's in the nursery and they aren't having a Valentines party. Of course, when I dropped him off, he had a couple of Valentines in his cubby. Seriously???


Anonymous said...

You did better than I did. I brought nothing to Ashley or Luke's room and totally forgot to go to Matt's school party on Wednesday. And, I did not let Ashley help with her cards, I did them late one night so I would not have the hindrance of her helping! Now, that wins Mom of the Year!

Carrie said...

We were told that we could make goodie bags or bring valentines if we wanted last Friday. So I bought stuff to make little goodie bags (toddler fruit snacks, toddler cereal bars, and bouncy balls; all I had to do was stuff the bags). On Monday, Jacob's sheet asked that we bring 12 Valentines labeled "To My Friend" for the class party today. I was less than pleased with that. Brian also signed us up to bring a veggie tray for the party which I forgot when I took Jacob to school this morning (and did not go back to get it because I feel like I did enough). So I'm completely with you on the overachieving parents and homemade valentines. And I had the same thought you have about Ethan when Jacob received a valentine last year.

Carrie said...

I should've just blogged about it all. :)

Anonymous said...

This is why when we moved to VA I HAD to start making your Halloween costumes instead of buying the plastic ones that came in a box. What is it with Virginia and these overachieving parents?
