Sunday, January 22, 2012

Blythe is 6!

Blythe turned 6 on January 20th. It really is still hard for me to believe.  Brynn is learning to talk and tells me made up sentences with made up words and I answer "really?" and "wow" and "no kidding" just to keep my side of the conversation going. I swear I was still doing that with Blythe not that long ago and now all of the sudden she has grown up and is starting to ask real questions that deserve real, thought out answers.  And I'm so not ready for that!

She is something else, I tell ya.  She can make a new friend in about five seconds after walking into a room.  I think she's friends with everyone on her bus, including a gigantic 5th grader.  From what I can tell, she's friends with everyone in her class.  Ethan started swim lessons a few weeks ago and within 10 minutes of the first class she had made a friend and they spend each swim lesson duration coloring, drawing, or designing.

She's also a smart little girl and is learning to read so fast it's incredible (to me at least).  She never has trouble with her homework and I can tell already she is going to like math and be good at math.

She has a good eye for fashion and the girl loves her some accessories!

When she has a friend over, they still always go for the dress up clothes first.  With Ethan, she'll play legos or Trio or dress up or make believe.  When Brynn is in her room, she turns on the music and they dance together.

But Blythe is my crazy one.  When she gets excited or just happy, she can be wild and difficult to calm down.  She makes me nervous when she gets like this as she could easily break something or hurt Brynn or Ethan.

And while Ethan is generally my rule-follower, Blythe's probably more follows the "rules are meant to be broken" motto.  And she's sneaky about it.

So in general, she's friendly, popular, smart, and sneaky, which will make for some pretty terrible teenage years, so I better enjoy these next few years while I can.

And for her birthday, she got an American Girl doll, which she has named Jasmine.

Today she had her birthday party, which was at "Paint Your Pot", a place where you choose your pottery and paint it.  The girls (and Ethan) had a great time!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Happy 6th Birthday Blythe! Looks like you had a great party.