A week ago we went to test drive it here at the dealership near us. They didn't have the EXACT one we wanted, but were able to find one close at another dealership they could work with. Of course, when we test drove it, they didn't want us to walk out the door, but we certainly weren't going to buy that day. Instead, I came home and researched. Ahh...the power of the internet these days. I found some pretty darn good deals. One especially at a dealership in Fayetteville, NC. Another at a dealership in Maryland. So I printed that stuff off and we headed back to our dealership on Friday hoping they would match them and we wouldn't have to drive to either Maryland or NC.
But they didn't. Basically they said they had no idea how those dealerships were offering those prices. They couldn't come down on price and the salesguy said, "If it were me, I'd drive to Fayetteville". So that's what we did.
Fayetteville had the price we wanted, the style we wanted, and even the color we wanted. And I had already worked out the price through email before ever going there, so there was no negotiating to be done. Only problem - it's 4 hours away and it's closed on Sunday.
Blythe and Ashley were supposed to have their first ever sleepover at our house on Friday night. The girls were SO excited about it, so instead of cancelling, Ashley's dad offered to have it at their house. And offered for Ethan to come over the next morning so we could drive the 4 hours there and 4 hours back with just Brynn. It was quite the offer of Mike considering he's single parenting 4 kids right now while Amy is out of town. And they had 2 showings on their house on Saturday (it's on the market), which meant keeping it clean all day with 6 kids (i.e. tornados) leaving nothing but destruction in their paths. It was quite the day for him.
Brynn did super-well with us. The drive was about 30 minutes too long for her, as she got fussy both ways the last 30 minutes, but we had mission accomplished. How does that Fayetteville dealership offer such good prices? They deal in volume. They were selling like you wouldn't believe! Most people trade their cars in too, so they have a good used-car business going. Customer service was excellend and we had a really good experience. We love the car!
Very roomy! This is Blythe and Ethan in the 3rd row.
Now we just need to sell the Envoy. Let me know if you want to buy a car!
Glad the long trip was worth it.. love the new ride!
Very nice! That really is a roomy third row.
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