Sunday, October 31, 2010
Tombstone Wars
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Bubble Time!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Dan Nicholas Park
I had thought about going to the Carolina BalloonFest, which is an annual hot air balloon festival in Statesville, NC. However, in reading about it, the balloons are only in the air 8am-9am and 4:30pm-5:30pm. Seeing as how it's an hour drive to get there, 8am was WAY too early. And 4:30 would mean we'd need to leave by 3:30 and that just wasn't meshing well with our schedules (esp. Ethan's nap schedule). So instead we opted to hit up Dan Nicholas Park in Salisbury. It was a BEAUTIFUL Fall day, and there was no way we were spending it inside!
So we did the playgrounds, rode the carousel, rode the train (which was temporarily the "spooky" train), mined for gems, and had a picnic. The gem mining was fun and a good activity for everyone to participate in. Blythe got some amethyst, onyx, fool's gold, quartz, and a bunch of other gems I don't know anything about. So it was a fun, fun day! Gommy took a bunch of pics, and I took none.
I think Ethan was little bummed about not seeing any hot air balloons, but he still had a good time. I had some TIRED kiddos on the drive home on Sunday, so the drive was pretty easy. Yay!
Monday, October 25, 2010
5 months!
go-with-the-flow. She can be happy just sitting on someone's lap (usually mine) for a long, long, time. Here's what she's up to:
- I weighed her on our super-unreliable bathroom scale and she is approx. 16 pounds. Length - have no idea
- Wearing size 2 diapers and officially out of anything 3-6 month or 6 month sized. Now into the 6-9 month and 6-12 month (though these are usually a little big).
- She started with rice cereal this month. Went okay for about a week and then it was yucky. So she has also tried banana, applesauce, and peaches baby food mixed in with the cereal. She's also tried oatmeal baby cereal. She may also have tried a bite of my chocolate frosty from Wendy's (bad mom!). Yesterday she tried applesauce by itself. Overall, I'd say she's not the biggest fan of food.
- This month she rolled over! Only once as far as I can tell (unless she did it again at day care late last week).
- Loves her feet and trying to eat her toes
- I think she might be working on a tooth. She makes a fish face all the time now like she's trying to feel her bottom gum. That and she has her fingers in her mouth all the time.
- I thought she'd be out of her baby bathtub by now, but she's not. I tried it once in the big bathtub with the bath seat and had Blythe in there too. She screamed the whole time. I think she was cold because I fill up her baby bathtub so even her shoulders are under water. Hmm.
- She's probably ready to sit in a high chair at a restaurant, but these days we only do drive-thrus. Usually Brynn is too tired at dinner time to even attempt sitting in an establishment (even if it is Taco Bell usually).
- Speaking of that, the past few days she's been so tired at about 6 o'clock in the evening, that she has to take a 30 minute nap (while someone is holding her). Then I bathe her and feed her and then she hangs out for about 45 minutes before going to bed. This helps avoid a 6am wake up, but kind of makes fixing dinner difficult.
- She can sit without support for a few seconds before falling over. She's good with a boppy around her.
- If I put her on her tummy with my leg under her or a small pillow under her, she tries to crawl, but I don't think she's all that close to actually crawling.
So anyway, that's about it. Another month went by way too fast!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Talon comes to visit
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Disney on Ice

The show was good - basically had a little "clip" from each of the Disney princess movies (except Princess and the Frog and Pocohontas, which Blythe was a little unnerved about).
Here is a little movie of the dragon scene from the Sleeping Beauty part.
When I showed the clip to Ethan later, he said he wanted the dragon to eat the Fairy Godmothers (or whoever those women with the funny hats are). Nice.
So it was a fun show. I spent money only on the tickets, though Blythe tried to flag down the guy selling cotton candy (for 10 dollars!) and the snow cone guy and she begged for popcorn and for this light-up-spinny-thing (that was 25 dollars). So lucky for us the people sitting in front of us bought ALL of those things so that Blythe could keep on wishing she had just one of them.
As a side note, it was the first night I was not here to put Brynn down for bed. Things went splendid. Okay, so she screamed bloody murder until she was too tired to scream anymore and fell asleep. What can I say? She missed her mommy.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Beware the Holloway home on Halloween!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Ready for snow
Time for snow angels!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Rice Cereal!
In case you're wondering, Blythe had her face painted with a rainbow on her forehead and a unicorn on her mouth and chin. This was done at the neighborhood pig pickin that day. Here's another pic.

So anyway, we're now on cereal once a day. It's been hard during the week because I'd prefer she eat the rice cereal at home instead of day care (at least at the beginning while we get it going) but she's SO tired when she gets home.
Monday, October 4, 2010
First trip to the pumpkin patch (this season)
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Ready, Set, Go!
Anyway, apparently she does have a bit of competetive spirit in her. Who knew?
Here she really puts the nail in the coffin. Sorry 7 year old Asian girl. Dusted!