Wednesday, June 10, 2009

There's something fishy going on...

Cute jammies provided by Blythe's godmother, Sue. Thanks Sue!!! Here's a rear view...

And Braden has now decided he wants to direct and act in horror films. Here's his first amateur attempt...

And lastly, in this completely random blog post, Ethan had another field trip today. They decided to be ambitious and load up the 14 toddlers and take them to a duck pond to feed ducks (or actually mean, hissing geese), then across the street to a playground. Then load and unload them all again to go to Dairy Queen for lunch and ice cream. Dairy Queen has 2 high chairs, so it was interesting. But they piled a lot of them in one long booth, sat some older ones in chairs, and the youngest in the high chairs. There were probably more french fries, chicken nuggets, and milk on the floor than in bellies, but they surpassed my expectations. Ethan, like the pig that he is, ate ALL of his chicken, ALL of his ice cream cone, and most of his french fries.

Here's how they were seated (notice the adults just standing there watching):

And a couple more pics of Ethan on his trip:


lynette said...

You've got a couple of fine actors on your hands there Mary... but Blythe's a bit too cute to be a man-eating monster :)

aichiba said...

I think Blythe should win Best Supporting Actress for that - I love it :)