Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Blythe's field trip

Today I drove over the longest arch bridge in the Western hemisphere (aka the New River Gorge). Twice. On my way to Gassaway, West Virginia (and then back). And no, that isn't a made up place. It's a booming metropolis of probably at least 1100 or 1200 people about smack dab in the middle of the state of West Virginia. I had the pleasure of going out there to meet up with a client and gather project requirements, look at cool bank stuff, and other very important tasks I'm sure you're very jealous about. Not really. It's about a 2 hour and 45 minute drive, so there and back meant I was in the car quite a bit today.

So preparing for that trip was the reason I didn't blog yesterday about Blythe's school field trip to the park. Rather than driving Blythe to the field trip (and then having to take her back to school and have to say goodbye again), I just decided to meet them there. Yes, I'm THAT mom who always goes to the field trips. But my job is flexible enough so I usually can, and so I probably will continue to go on as many as I can even though they are chaotic and probably more stressful than working.

At least with Blythe's age, I'm not worried about them falling off of the playground equipment every 3 seconds. So I was able to take a few pics.

It always amazes me the power those preschool teachers have over the kids. They call them all and tell them to line up and within seconds, there's a line of 22 preschoolers.

Takes me at least 5 minutes to round up just one (10 minutes to round up 2). But anyway, they had a fun time. They're building a bike path inside the playground area at daycare, so they can't use the playground there this week. So it was nice they were able to play anyway!

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