- Blythe is doing great in her writing
- Blythe is very interested in reading and is doing very well
- Blythe is a natural leader and the other kids listen when Blythe talks
- Blythe is popular
- Blythe talks too much
In general, she has good behavior. She's on "green" most days at school, but occasionally gets put on "yellow" because she's talking too much when she's not supposed to. In ballet on Wednesday the instructor told me that she has to separate Blythe and her friend Anna because if she doesn't, they talk too much and don't listen.
I guess the girl just has a lot to say.
In school, if they are on "green" for the whole week, they get to pick out a "treasure" from the treasure box. This motivated Blythe the first month or so of school, but now not so much. I need to find something at home to reward her if she is on green all week that might be better than a pencil from the treasure box. Ideas are welcome!
I know I used to crazy about getting stickers, not the normal sticker off the sheet, but the kind that a big and fuzzy or reflective etc.
Or you can make it part of a bigger star chart that tracks other things like chores at home and then when she reaches a threshold on that chart she can get a bigger item. I remember 25 stars got me my first care bear.
A cold beer.
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