Anyway, I LOVE this bike! The red "cage" around her is removable, along with the harness, the foot stand, and even the handle in the back. So it's a 3-stager (can't even hold on, can hold on but not coordinated enough to pedal, and then full on regular tricycle).
We have so many freakin toys with wheels - 2 tricycles, a 12" bike, a 16"bike, 2 scooters, a tractor (actually 2 tractors right now), a wagon, a jeep, and a few strollers. Thus the reason we only park one car in the garage in all non-winter months. And the reason our basement doubles as a garage for wheeled toys during winter months.
But anyway, I'm loving this new addition and so is Brynn! And yes, Blythe is dressed up as Ariel.
This is too cute for words. I love seeing Blythe pushing her baby sister in the tricycle in her Arial outifut.
Love you guys,
Just wanted to say I love the new header picture.
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