Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Laundry Mishap

In case you were dying to know what happens when a disposable diaper (a clean one..thank goodness!) accidentally gets thrown in with a full load of clothes, I now have the answer for you. When you take your clothes out of the washer, they will be COVERED with small globets of clear gel and then you will be thinking, "what the hell did Blythe put in her pockets that got all over everything?" and then you will realize when you get to the bottom of the washer that there is a Pampers diaper sitting there. And then you will think, "now what"? Do I re-wash them? Or will it all come off in the dryer? The good news - pretty much all of it comes off in the dryer.

In other news, we had another 4 inches of snow this morning and I think there is a bit more to come later today. I am SO excited about it (note heavy sarcasm).


lynette said...

I've actually wanted to know this before, so thanks for experimenting for us all :)

And booooo on more snow...

Anonymous said...

I hate snow!!!!