Monday, December 14, 2009

Let's face it - I'm just procrastinating

So it's Monday and our 10 days of Christmas traveling/festivities start on Friday so there is SO much to do (namely cleaning, finish shopping, wrap ALL presents, give away these damn sugar cookies I made yesterday before I eat them all, and something else..can't remember...oh yeah, work...ugh - finish a very large project plan due by end of the week that I just started on Friday). So that seems like a lot of work, so instead I will blog.

Blythe and I started the weekend by going to the movies Friday evening to see "Princess and the Frog". Such a good movie! Blythe watched the whole thing. Part of the time in her seat and most of the time curled up in my lap. I think being in a dark theater just makes her tired. But she never falls asleep during a movie. Instead she fell asleep on the way home at 6:30! I was shocked actually. But anyway, we had a good time.

Saturday night the day care had a "Parents Night Out" where we could bring our kids there from 6:00-10:00 so Mommy and Daddy could have a date night. Or go to Target. And finish up shopping for Blythe's Christmas (Ethan is already done). And go to Walmart. To pick up the "Car with 2 seats" that Blythe has asked Santa for. Then go to our neighbor's to stash it in their garage. Then we did manage to make it to a restaurant for a fairly quick albeit nice dinner.

We have not gone to visit Santa at the mall this year. We did see him and wave to him one time at the mall, but Daddy wasn't with us, so we didn't have the "real" Santa visit. Instead we were waiting on "Brunch with Santa" at the Country Club that was scheduled for Sunday. Due to our beautiful icy weather, it was cancelled. Boo. So there may be no visits to Santa this year. Not that Blythe is asking. And not that Ethan is missing him (as I'm pretty sure he would freak out when we try to sit him on Santa's lap).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget, you can't wrap the presents going to Baton Rouge. You'll just have to wrap them when you get there!
