Monday, November 2, 2009


This year's Halloween was a good one. We started the day with a neighborhood Halloween event at lunchtime that had food, games, face painting, and playing on the playground in our costumes so they could get dirty and Mom would have to clean them. It started to rain a little just at the end, actually while we were on our way home.

Ethan went down for a nap just as Gommy, Poppa, and Laura arrived. Blythe had no nap, so we were a little worried how she would hold up, but lots of candy seemed to do the trick (but made for a hard crash later in the night).

As the day wore on, we started to get prepped for the night. Braden carved 3 more pumpkins to say B-O-O and hung up a few more Halloween lights I forgot we had. He also made himself into Wolverine using foil-covered chopsticks and some face paint. Here's our finished product of our front porch (and of course, we also had scary music playing).

Gommy did Blythe's hair in a french twist and she got to wear a little bit of makeup. A crown and a dress, and whollah - Cinderella.

A far cry from last year's scary skeleton.

Ethan also got to wear makeup (face paint that is) to become a scary (okay, cute) tiger.

Here's another cute one of the 2 of them

Ethan was tired of taking pics and really wanted to start his trick or treating, so I think we were the first ones out in the neighborhood, but others soon followed. The rain held off for trick-or-treating and both kids made it all the way around the outer and inner circles of the neighborhood and gots lots of candy. We managed to get rid of all 3 large bags of candy we bought. Needless to say, both kids were quite tired!
As is typical of Fall Back (i.e. end of Daylight Savings), we had a great night of sleep on Saturday night. Then this morning Blythe was up at 6:15am. Just can't win.

1 comment:

lynette said...

Aww, the kids look awesome in their costumes!