Friday, September 18, 2009

Blythe's gymnastics class

Blythe started gymnastics again last week. But this time it's a class with no parent participation. Yay! And it's an hour long instead of 30 minutes. Actually parents aren't even allowed in there - we have to watch through windows upstairs. And all of that means...she might actually learn something!

So in preparation, I needed to buy her a gymnastics outfit. Thank you Target!

And her friends Ginsey and Ashley are also taking the class. Ginsey got the same outfit.

So just because you LOOK like a gymnast, doesn't mean you actually are one. BUT - take a look at this carefully and I'm sure you will be amazed at the split second Blythe actually balances on the balance beam with only one leg.

Seriously, people. She's not even 4 yet. What do you expect?

Okay, so that's just ridiculous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blythe doesn't have to be good, she looks great just standing there (not to mention, cute).

Poppa and Gommy