Thursday, August 6, 2009

Going to see Adle

Braden and I each have a bedtime/naptime story we made up that Blythe loves to hear us recite. Mine is about a tiny frog named Buster that longs to be bigger. He has to get to a magic growing potion that a giant on top of a beanstalk has. To get there, he flies on a bird's back because it's far, far away. Fortunately his Mommy lives near the beanstalk because the frog is too small to climb up it. So he has to go to his Mommy's house to get stairs to climb up it (Blythe made that part up). He finally makes it up there and drinks a drop of the magic potion and becomes the biggest frog in the land and is so happy. The end.

Braden's story is about a frog too (I think...or maybe a turtle). Named Marvin. Who is red with blue polka dots (or maybe blue with red polka dots). Anyway, I'm not exactly sure how his story goes, but apparently Marvin is all buddy-buddy with Santa Claus and reports back to him if Blythe is being good or bad.

So anyway, Braden was leaving today to go to Seattle to recruit at the US Open meet. He told Blythe this morning at breakfast that he was going to Seattle and that Marvin was going to be there so he could then chat with Marvin about whether Blythe was being good or not. She was pretty excited Braden was going to see Marvin because she's anxious for Santa Claus to hear how good she's been. She never questioned who "Adle" was though. She just accepted that Daddy was going to go see "Adle" and have a nice chat with Marvin. Oh, and apparently this Adle person lives far, far away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I get it.....took me a while "See Adle" aka Seattle! Very clever! I hope Braden tells Marvin what a good girl Blythe is.
