Monday, July 20, 2009

Blythe is 3 and half

So I give an update each month on Ethan (okay, well I forgot last month), but don't give updates on Blythe's status. Today she is 3 and a half. That's pretty significant, I mean that half a year is 1/7 of her life. That's like me aging 3 years. Okay 4. Okay more than 4. Geez.

Anyway, here's some tidbits about Blythe:
  • She can talk (I know...pretty amazing, huh?). Actually, I mean there aren't too many words she can't say. She says "sunscream" instead of "sunscreen" and still says "gwail" instead of "girl", but overall she can pronounce most words
  • She can swim about half the length of the pool. Possibly more if she was forced to. She has another round of swim lessons this week which didn't go too well yesterday and probably won't today either because it's FREAKING COLD in July! WTF? I'm so ticked off at the rainy and cold June and July we have had (and May too). I digress...
  • She has most of her fine motor skills down. Sometimes she still needs help getting her clothes on or off. Like last night when she tried to put on her nightgown. She tried and tried, but kept getting stuck. So she asked for help and I told her she did it the night before so asked why she was having trouble. She said, "My strong muscles ran out of batteries"
  • My house would be covered in Disney princess stickers if I didn't put my foot down and make her confine it to her room. So instead it's just her books, play kitchen, dresser, and who knows what else.
  • She can write her name and various other letters (not used in her first name) from the alphabet. They just might not be legible to the general public.
  • Most of the time she remembers to say "please" and "thank you"
  • She's quite social and almost flirty with boys. Makes me scared.
  • She is a great big sister. She and Ethan play more and more these days.
  • She can be a great helper when she wants to be. Other times she is plagued by selective hearing disorder.
  • She loves her sleep. She will sleep about 11 hours at night and takes naps every day at daycare. On weekends she tends to take a nap one of the days and the other day "play quietly" in her room for 2 hours.
  • She's still a very picky eater, but has gotten much better. She will now eat meat (and not just chicken nuggets) and will usually at least try everything on her plate. I think it may have more to do with understanding ultimatums.
  • She still loves to be held, hugged, kissed and says "Mommy (or Daddy) - I love you" all the time. Oh how I will miss that when she gets older.

1 comment: said...

Such a big gwail... can't wait to see her (and you guys too) this weekend!