Thursday, March 19, 2009

The daily coat argument

Two of my regular daily arguments with Blythe are about wearing her coat. The first is before we leave the house for day care:"
"Blythe, let's put your coat on now"
"No, I want to bwing it"
"It's cold outside, you should put it on"
"No, I jus wanna bwing it"
"Please put your coat on" (so I don't look like a terrible mom when you get out of the car with no coat on and it's 30 degrees out)

The second is when I pick her up from day care:
"Ok Blythe, come on, let's put on your coat"
"I don't wanna wear my coat"
"Fine, freeze for all I care"

And that's pretty much the same story day in and day out.

Until yesterday.

Yesterday she learned how to zip her coat up (like the whole shebang...put the coat on, start the zipper, zip it up...the whole thing). So now she wants to wear her coat all the time. Or rather put on her coat all the time. Then take it off. Then put it back on. Only problem is it takes her quite some time to accomplish this task, so I really have to work on my patience skills. But I am very proud of her. Way to go Blythe!

And we were reading a few books before bed last night and reading one with animals in it, so I was making animal noises. When I turned the page to the sheep, Ethan immediately pointed at the sheep and said "Bah, bah". He was so proud of himself! So they aren't really words yet, but it is a form of expressive language. I have noticed him practicing his "words" a lot recently and making some different sounds. Before I know it he'll be talking up a storm.

And in even better news, both kids let me sleep until 7:30 this morning! I feel so refreshed! Totally different than yesterday morning when Blythe came in my room at 4:07 and hopped into bed with me. Then proceeded to sleep on my pillow with me and flail her arms about and snore almost as loud as Braden normally snores. So pretty much, I was unable to sleep after that. At one point I tried pushing her off of my pillow and over to Braden's pillow and she started crying and saying, "I was here first!" Ha! Excuse me? I kind of remember you coming into MY room and laying on MY pillow. So before she went to bed last night, I made it clear to her - don't come in my room tonight.


Anonymous said...

Oh Blythe... you crack me up you crazy girl. "I was here first!" that is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

The coat story is a classic.

Uncle Rob

ekf said...

So funny about your patience and the coat. Nate, Tobi and I were out to dinner the other night and there was a girl Blythe's age putting on her coat and it took her forever to do it. Nate looks at Tobi and said, "that's why we can 't have kids. I would've just carried her out of the restaurant by now."