Monday, January 5, 2009

Blythe's 3rd birthday party

It's 7:20 and both kids are in bed. Now that's a first.

FINALLY the day arrived where they went back to day care! I figured Ethan wouldn't sleep much today since he was well rested from being at home for 2 weeks napping in his bed with no noise and the lights off. I was right. Just one short nap, so he was incredibly tired and went to bed early.

Today was Blythe's first day in the 3/4's room at day care. I was a little worried about the transition, only because she had been home for 2 weeks, but she did great. She knows most of the kids in there, so we had no problems. They said she took a great nap. When I picked her up she was quite happy. When she got home she was even a little hyper. I made a pizza for dinner. Blythe doesn't really like pizza, but she likes breadsticks, so I cut hers up in the shape of breadsticks and declared them breadsticks. She took one bite and said, "Mmm...this is good". But that was the only bite she took. She wouldn't eat it and so began our nightly "please eat your dinner" routine. So we're practically begging her to eat pizza, as if we're asking her to eat brussel sprouts or something! But she won't eat. So we tell her she can't get down to go play until she eats. Still she won't eat. So we say she has to go straight to bed if she won't eat. Still she won't eat. So off to bed she went.

So now it's 7:20 and I'm blogging. It's going to suck tomorrow morning when they wake up an hour earlier.

Anywho, Blythe's birthday party yesterday went very well. Took 2 days of planning to make sure it did though. On Saturday Blythe didn't want to nap. Rather than trying to make her, I just let her stay up because I knew the next day she'd be tired for a nap if she skipped that one. Unfortunately I was exhausted on Saturday, so I attempted to "rest my eyes" on the couch, but failed miserably thanks to Blythe's incessant "Mom! Wake up!, Mom! Look at this! Mom! I want apple juice! Mom! WAKE UP!" On Sunday I woke Blythe up early, as I was determined to get her down for a good nap at about 12:30. Fortunately all of that planning and effort panned out as she took a great nap and was in a great mood for the party.

We had rented the multi-purpose room at the rec center and hired a lady who brought in moon bouncers, balls, gym mats, and all kinds of other things for the kids to play with at their desire. The best thing was that it didn't matter how many kids (same price no matter how many), so it didn't matter if kids brought their siblings. There were the typical boo-hoos with kids bumping heads or getting jumped on, but all-in-all it went quite well. After an hour of chaos, the lady led the kids in the limbo, the chicken dance, galloping horses, and the parachute. After some cupcakes and juice, the kids were exhausted and went home. I'm pretty sure they ALL slept well last night! I was asleep on the couch by 9!

I was going to post some video clips, but apparently Blogger isn't cooperating, so here are some pics (so you'll miss Blythe's galloping horse video...I know you're so upset):

After the party we went to our next door neighbor's house and they just got "Rock Band" for their Wii. It was our first time playing. I'm pretty terrible (except on vocals...I'm a most excellent singer), but if I'm ever missing my husband, I'll now know where to look :)

1 comment:

ekf said...

Too bad they don't have a version of Rock Band where you can sing AND dance because you would be the best ever.